invitation purchase /donation
dear friends and friends of friends
aim is to acquire
the long desired stair lift /elevator
to move on in actif life , work and living together,
for others and myself.
the way to purchase work in favor of fundraiser
email ~> karinvromen@karinvromen
– mob no
– pick up yourself
– address for *delivery
* costs in the Holland are petrol price
+ delivery gasoline price
enthusiasm for donation in favor of fundraiser/ day of birth
email ~> karinvromen@karinvromen

01 human landscape 67x67
olie €450
02 éclatante 61x81
acryl €450
03 continuo 81x61
mixed €750
04 watchers
05 walking the doves-Header
mixed €900
06 conversation on the red sea 60x80
mixed €750
07 floating & gliding 70x100
mixed €800
08 doctor doctor tell me the news 75x55
mixed €750
09 sionon n f s own.fam
10 rumor 60x80
mixed €950
11 aware 80x60
mixed €950
12 leela arabia 81x61
mixed €950
13 2nd generation 90x60
mixed €950
14 can tell a lot 81x61
mixed €950
15 a new facing 90x60
mixed €950
16 white across black 91x61
mixed €950
17 now and again it shows bleak 110x140
mixed €1200
18 knowhow fly 60x50
mixed €750
19 the postman doesn't ring at all 70x100
mixed €1200
20 love empire 70x100
mixed €1200
21 she could n't dance the chachacha 75x100
acryl €1200
22 watching woman 100x70
mixed €1150
23 courtisanes congress 80x110
acryl €1150
24 flan ideal 80x110
mixed €1450
25 stop searching for the sea 80x110
acryl €1650
26 on se repose 80x110
acryl €1650
27 running in the desert 80x100
mixed €950
28 across the desert in 80 miles an hour 60x80
mixed €800
29 coin see dence 80x100
mixed €950
30 a hello of the unknown 60x80
acryl €750
31 see the unseen 8-x100
acryl €1200
32 row the boat 100x50
acryl €600
33 don't tell the nghbrs 100x80
acryl €800
34 womanhood 100x80
mixed €1400
35 deep down 110x140
mixed €1600
36 door for seven senses 200x100
mixed €2000
37.1 bisonmihi 1 banner 100x100 foto 61x91
print €250. no.1 uit serie van 4
37.2 bisonmihi 2 banner 100x100 foto 61x91
print €250. no.2 uit serie van 4
37.3 bisonmihi 3 banner 100x100 foto 61x91
print €250. no.3 uit serie van 4
37.4 bisonmihi 4 banner 100x100 foto 61x91
print €250. no.4 uit serie van 4
38 bisonmihi concihémihi 21x120
foto op perspex €250.
39 no truth today 30*40
foto op perspex €250.
40 paradise is here 40x30
foto op perspex €250.
41 i am < katja 42x60
foto op perspex €400.
40 paintings from my own stable I deliver
and/or ask small/large donation for my day of birth
50 years I am working in my independent, non profit, cooperative art enterprise
75 years I become june 6th 2024, in 1988 I got this rental property at the 4th floor as a studio
I am the eldest of the stairwell with 11 apartments and 5 floors
a doer and want to continue being one
can still go up and down the stairs
some residents, family members, friends and neighbours cannot
so therefore: ‘1AARDIGHEID’ i.e.: ‘1pleasantry’